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Why Lease Hunting Land From CABH

Gaining access to private hunting land has always been a challenge for hunters.  Unless you have the money to purchase your own land, most choose to hunt on public land.  Others have decided to buy their way into a club or even lock in an outfitter or lease land out of state.  Now there is another option for local hunters in PA, MD, DE, NJ & WV.... leasing private land locally.  


Buying Local Land & Public Land Access

Hunting on private land is something that every hunter would love.  However, the cost of land is rather expensive and unless it is willed down to you, it can be all but impossible to obtain.   With CABH, the amount you would pay for 1 month of a mortgage to purchase properties you can now lease the hunting rights on private land for a full year!   We also offer our current hunters first right of refusal on the property they are leasing, so the land can be exclusively yours for as long as you want and as long as the land owner renews the lease.  


While huting on public land is free, you do not have excusivity on your hunting land and you have no idea who is hunting near you.  Therefore, you may not be able to always hunt in the best spot on the land and, because not everyone hunts at the same time, other hunters might trample through your spot.  Leasing land from CABH is a solid solution to avoid hunting in the "pumpkin patch" sea of orange traditionally found on public land.


With almost all of our leases being 20-30min away from the hunters who lease them out, what we offer is the best of both worlds.

Out Of State Outfitters and Leases

A solution hunters have used for private land access has been locking in leases out of state.  While it is true that out of state leases can be less costly on a per/ac basis, when you factor in the costs of travel and lodging, the time needed away from work & family to use the property, and then the actual number of days/season you'll actually be on the lease...having a piece of land to hunt on that is 20-30min away looks like a better investment overall.  Just imagine being able to check in on your land any time you want without planning days away well as being able to take a half day off of work during the week to hunt and still be home that night.


When it comes to hunting game that is not native to our area, outfitters are awesome to work with.  And nothing beats the full service solution that a number of quality outfitters provide.  But what a hunter will pay an outfitter to hunt with them for just a week or two, they can lock in one of our leases for an entire year.  And your lease with us will be exclusively yours vs an outfitter putting you in a stand that they have been running other hunters in week after week after week before you showed up and will continue to do so fort he rest of the season.  Then there's the cost of time to be gone for an extended time away from work and family as well as cost of money to obtain non-resident tags and the travel expense to get to your outfitter.


And here's the crazy thing for those of you hunting whitetails out of state.....the same exact subspecies of whitetails found in places like Illinois, Ohio and Wisconsin is the same subspecies found in the areas we lease out land in MD, PA, DE and NJ.



Subscribe Form

DE - 302-760-9966       MD - 443-352-9966       NJ - 856-250-9966       PA - 717-345-2224       WV - 304-250-9905 

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